What Is Nano-Silver Technology
Nano-Silver technology is the use of colloidal silver and silver solutions.
Is Nano-Silver Solutions A New Technology
Nano-Silver solutions is nothing new, however they are groundbreaking.
We have put together some links about Nano-Silver Technology for reference:
Videos and FAQ's about Nano-Silver http://www.supernaturalsilver.com
120 Years of Nano-Silver History
to helping ensure that as nanotechnologies advance, possible risks are
minimized, public and consumer engagement remains strong, and potential
new benefits are realized.
Sci-Tech Today: Nano, Silver, and You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvKZziRVXa8
The Future of Nanotechnology in Dermatology http://www.touchbriefings.com/pdf/3292/nasir.pdf
A garment that can prevent colds and flu and never needs washing? Seriously!
An Amazing Article About Antibacterial Clothing
Silver Sol technology includes advanced scientific research and new
product development utilizing its anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and
anti-fungal properties."
Dr. Gordon Pederson
The leached Silver reportedly kills bacteria on contact. At the same time, some silver is permanently attached to the microfiber, giving a lifetime of effectiveness. Furthermore, Silver-Impregnated microfiber cloths kills bacteria and eliminates the need for bleach and for heating water in the laundry cycle, which is environmentally friendly and energy saving.
EQUI-10X Certified Test Results

Antibacterial Treated and Certified N217-1--00082
Bacteriostatic Reduction Rate
99.9% after 18 hours
Test Bacteria: Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 4352 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klebsiella_pneumoniae
Only in the last few years has
nano-technology begun to evolve into a valuable science. Only
in the last few years has the technology existed to produce
this cutting edge silver suspension. Only now has silver
arrived as the natural immune system assistant it was in
the early days of mankind when it was plentiful in its
metallic form in ground water. For optimum function of body
immunity, everyone needs Nano-Silver circulating in their